The true center of a circle is a point. However, a point has neither dimension nor location. Thus, the point eludes both our perception and our imagination. He does not belong to our world - because in our world everything has extension and dimension, because the world is form. But the point belongs to another being's order, it exists beyond the world, is metaphysical in the literal sense. The dot symbolizes unity, wholeness, perfection - it is therefore a symbol of the Most High in almost all cultures and times. The point contains everything, but only in the potency, not in the manifest state. Circle and sphere are born from him, they are the forms of revelation of the point. What is still meta-physical power in the point enters the formal configuration through circle and balls. The circle is a point plus a dimension, so the circle lives on the center, is defined by it - even if this point is not tangible to us.

The Healing Circle
The Healing Circle